Wednesday 11 January 2017

Loving someone


Love is single handily the best feeling I believe a human can ever experience, but at the same time it is just as scary. I mean, trusting someone so much that they know every single little detail about you. All your likes and dislikes, what makes you smile but also what makes you cry. Trusting them with all these details hoping that they’ll never use them against you. The scariest thing about loving someone is that you know it’ll either last forever and that person will be your person that you spend every moment with, or the worst case you think that they were your person and it just wasn’t meant to be, and you’re left to start over again with nothing but memories that you once created. I mean memories are beautiful but they’re also dangerous, they have the power to make you so happy yet so so sad.
The one thing I will never understand about loving someone is the aftermath. Whether you have been with this person for one month, one year, or even a decade and you have told them that you love them; when it ends for whatever reason that is I don’t understand how one or both involved can be horrible about the other. Using every little detail that they told you to hurt them. Knowing that what you’re about to say will upset them, I don’t understand how someone could do that to a person they once loved. Is it because they still love the other person? And they’re just hurting or do they really not feel anything towards this person. I mean I’ve been hurt. I loved someone with all my heart and I thought they loved me too. Don’t get me wrong they might have loved me so much at one point, but they stopped. They stopped loving me when I loved them with everything I had. Yes, the way I was broken up with may not have been the nicest but I can honestly say hand on heart I’ve never said a bad word about this person. Why? Because I loved them. I loved them with everything I had, when I hear people say that you can’t love someone else until you learn to love yourself I don’t believe it. I loved this person more than anything on this earth, and there wasn’t a single inch of myself that I liked yet, alone loved.  
The part that scares me the most about love isn’t that I might tell the wrong person everything, don’t get me wrong that is scary but I believe there is someone out there for everyone. The thing that scares me the most is what if someone turns out to my person but I’m not theirs.
You can’t help who you fall in love with, it just happens and that’s what I think is the most beautiful thing about love. You suddenly find yourself thinking that this person in front of you is the most perfect being and as you get to know them and realise that they might not be perfect after all for whatever reason, it makes you love them even more, you love them for all the little things and that’s what makes it so special.
It was an honour to love and be loved by you, and I hope you find happiness wherever it may lie. As much as I wish it could be me. I hope you find someone who can make you truly happy.

I love you with all my heart. 

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